QQ 1:934517805
QQ 2:1159916630
美国CORTEC VpCI-386水性防锈涂料应用案例1
The chemical manufacturer had just completed an expansion, Phase 3, to their existing plant using masonry and precast concrete panels. The existing building was experiencing signs of weathering and rust stains had started to show on some precast panels where the rebars had insufficient concrete coverage. The problem was how to inhibit the corrosion, protect the building and tie the existing building and new addition together to be esthetically pleasing structure.
美国CORTEC VPCI-369气相防锈油应用案例1
Protection of pickled and unpickled coils and bundles of cut lengths during storage and shipping.
美国CORTEC VPCI-377水性防锈剂应用案例1
Protection of snowmobile engines during storage and shipment
推荐资讯 / Recommended News
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