Private Chemical Manufacturer
Protection of concrete and masonry walls
VpCI-386,Water-based barrier coating for concrete
The chemical manufacturer had just completed an expansion, Phase 3, to their existing plant using masonry and precast concrete panels. The existing building was experiencing signs of weathering and rust stains had started to show on some precast panels where the rebars had insufficient concrete coverage. The problem was how to inhibit the corrosion, protect the building and tie the existing building and new addition together to be esthetically pleasing structure.
The entire structure was pressure washed to remove any dirt and dust. A 2coat application of custom mixed colors (grey, tan, green, and blue) of VpCI-386 was applied using an airless sprayer. VpCI-386 was chosen because it is an environmentally friendly water-based coating that provides superior outdoor protection, corrosion inhibiting properties, ease of application and quick clean-up.
The VpCI-386 covered all block, rack pre-cast concrete panels and metals with a smooth even coating that was easy to apply and clean-up. The plant now looks like new and is esthically pleasing with no distinction between the old and new construction. Corrosion has been stopped and the structure is protected from further damage from carbonation and the elements.
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